Why You Can’t Normally Use iMessage on Android

You usually can’t use iMessage on Android because Apple uses a special end-to-end encryption system in iMessage that secures the messages from the device they’re sent on, through Apple’s servers, to the device receiving them. Because the messages are encrypted, the iMessage network is only usable by devices that know how to decrypt the messages. Apple keeps iMessage and all its cool effects and features, including iMessage apps, exclusive to devices running iOS and macOS as a way to drive people to buy its products. That’s why there’s no iMessage for Android app available on the Google Play store. That said, there is one way around Apple’s control over iMessage: a program called weMessage.

What You Need to Use weMessage

In order to use weMessage, you need the following:

An iMessage account: This is probably your existing Apple ID. A Mac running macOS 10.10 (Yosemite) or higher: Using weMessage requires running a program on your Mac. Java 7 or higher installed on your Mac. An Android phone running Android OS 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher. The weMessage app installed on your Android phone.

How weMessage Lets You Use iMessage on Android

While iMessage can’t work on Android devices, iMessage does work on both iOS and macOS. It’s the Mac compatibility that matters most here. weMessage is a program for Mac that routes messages through the iMessage network. This means all of your texts are sent to weMessage, then passed on to iMessage for sending to and from macOS, iOS, and Android devices, while still using Apple’s encryption.

How to Set up weMessage to Use iMessage for Android

weMessage is a pretty smart workaround for dealing with Apple’s security for iMessage, but setting it up isn’t for the tech novice or the faint of heart. There are a lot of steps here and it requires more complex configuration than most programs. But, if you’re really dedicated to getting iMessage on Android, it’s your only option. Here’s what you need to do.

Configure weMessage on Mac

How to Set up weMessage on Android

Assuming everything is configured correctly, you’ll see a screen for all your conversations. Test that you can send iMessage texts from Android by texting an iPhone; you’ll know it’s working if the text bubbles are blue.

You’re Not Done Yet!

The instructions so far only work when your Android phone is on the same Wi-Fi network as your Mac. That’s useful, but you want your Android to use iMessage no matter where you are. To do that, you need to set up Port Forwarding. Port Forwarding configures your home Wi-Fi network to let in connections from the outside. That’s how your Android device will connect back to the weMessage app on your Mac from anywhere. The way you set up Port Forwarding is different for pretty much every router or modem. Because of that, there’s no single set of instructions that can be provided. The best way to learn to do this is by using the video and instructions on the weMessage website. Once you’ve set up Port Forwarding, test the set up by turning off Wi-Fi on your Android device and sending a text to someone using iMessage.