Insert Images Into AOL Mail

You can send up to 15 Megabytes of attached files in one email using AOL Mail by inserting images or dragging and dropping them into the message body. To drag-and-drop images into an email message, click and hold the image or image file and drag it to the AOL Mail tab or page in a browser. The page changes and displays two areas in the body of the email:

Drop attachments here: Drop images or files that you want to attach to the email but don’t want to display inline. These files appear as attachments to the email but don’t display in the body of the message.Drop images here: Drop images you want to display inline, in the body of the email message.

Change the Location of Inline Images

If you insert an image into the text of an email, but it isn’t exactly where you want it to appear, move it around by dragging it to a new position. As you move the image, it becomes transparent so you can see the text behind it. Look for the cursor in the text; it moves as you drag the image around the message space. Position the cursor where you want the image to appear, then drop it.

Change the Display Size of Inserted Images

AOL Mail automatically reduces the display size of the inserted image. This does not affect the image attached, only the size at which it displays in the body of the email. To make large image files smaller, resize the image before inserting it into the email to reduce download sizes.

Delete an Inserted Image

To remove an inserted image from an email message: