How to Tell If Disney Plus Is Down

If you think Disney Plus is down for everyone and not just you, try these simple steps to see if there are Disney issues afoot.

What to Do When You Can’t Connect to Disney Plus

If no one else is reporting a problem with Disney Plus, then the problem is likely something on your side. There are many things you can try if Disney Plus seems to be working fine for everyone else, but not you.

Disney Plus Error Messages

Disney Plus can display standard HTTP status code errors such as 500 Internal Server Error, 403 Forbidden and 404 Not Found, but it can also display specific error codes exclusive to Disney Plus. Here are the most common ones.

Error Code 4-9: These relate to incorrect account details. Make sure everything is correct on your account, including billing details, and log in again. Error Code 13: Too many devices. Too many devices are logged in at once so the limit has been reached.Error Code 31 and 73: Location issue. If you’re trying to log in behind a VPN then Disney Plus won’t allow it. Switch off your VPN for access.Error Code 41 and 42: Playback issue. This is where the Disney Plus servers are overloaded. Come back later is the annoying answer here.Error Code 83: A catch all error code that means Disney Plus is having issues. Wait it out and try again later to see if it’s been resolved.

If the problem still isn’t solved, try waiting it out. When Disney Plus is in heavy demand, it can throw up these error messages when the issue is on the app or website’s end, not yours. You can also call its helpline at 888-905-7888.