Mailinator Pros and Cons

The main advantage of Mailinator is that the addresses you create have no connection to your real email address. So, when registration email lists get into the hands of spammers (whether accidentally, through hacking, or because a list is intentionally sold to spammers), you’re protected from getting spam.

Create a Mailinator Address

An advantage of using Mailinator is that it involves no setup or registration. You don’t even have to go to the Mailinator website to create the account. All you do is make up an alias with the domain and use it on the spot (for example,

View Mailinator Emails

To view mail that is sent to your throwaway addresses, go to the Mailinator public inbox. Since nobody uses a password, Mailinator is useful only when you don’t want to communicate. All mail sent to Mailinator is public, meaning any message that goes there can be accessed by the public.