No registration is required, so you’ll be enjoying your chosen movie or free TV show in seconds. This video streaming service is ad-supported, however, so you’ll have to sit through a few commercial breaks.
There’s a Wide Variety of Free Movies
Popcornflix has a nice-sized collection of free streaming movies in common and popular genres like comedy, drama, action, horror, sports, Sci-Fi, and documentaries.
Watch Popcornflix Movies With Free Apps
There’s a free movie app available that lets you watch these titles on your iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle, and TV.
Where Popcornflix Movies Come From
Popcornflix is owned by Screen Media, a large independent movie distributor, and that’s where it gets its films. This is a partnership, so the movies are completely legal to stream.
Popcornflix Alternatives
If you’re not sold on Popcornflix after trying it out—and we think you will be—lots of other websites let you watch movies for free, and they’re 100 percent legal to use. Some examples include YouTube, Tubi, Vudu, The Roku Channel, and Freevee.