How it works: Simply click the little calendar icon (next to the various additional twitter icons at the bottom left of the posting field), write your tweet, then choose a day, date, and time zone to post it in. Click the Confirm button, then the Schedule button (where the regular Send button usually is) and it will wait until scheduled to send. How it helps: While the feature may ostensibly be for people and companies to set up a social media strategy and avoid third-party solutions like TweetDeck, Buffer, or Hootsuite, scheduling tweets could actually help us all take a breather between an angry retort and actually sending it. What else: Scheduled tweets live in the new Unsent Tweets area, which also holds tweets that you can now also save as drafts. Both features should be live for all users starting today. Bottom line: Whether you use the new scheduling feature to map out your tweets for work, or to take some breathing space before you fire off an angry missive, the feature is likely a welcome one. Via: The Verge

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