Where to Find a New Slack Theme

Before you dive into creating a unique theme, you can find custom Slack themes ready to go online. You can either go to the Preferences section inside Slack to find a few themes to choose from or do a quick Google search to find several websites where Slack users can share their custom themes. Some of these websites include:

Sweet Themes are Made of These SlackThemes.net BirchTree

With each theme, you’ll see the hex values you need to customize your own Slack channel. You’ll use these hex values to add your new theme to your preferences.

How to Add a New Slack Theme

How to Customize and Create Your Own Slack Theme

Can’t find a theme you like that someone else created? You can easily create your own theme using Slack’s built-in theme customization tools. All you have to do to get started is log into the Slack workspace you wish to customize.

How to Share Your Custom Theme

Want to share your new and customized theme with your co-workers or workspace members? You can do so easily using the hex values you now have listed as your theme.

How to Customize Your Slack Icon

Once you have a theme that fits your business, brand, or personal needs perfectly, it’s time to seal the deal with a matching Slack icon. Your Slack icon could be a wide range of things, including your business logo, a quirky photo of yourself, or a customized graphic. The sky’s the limit here.