There are a wide range of gizmos that will come in handy but might provide a more soothing backdrop than the usual shiny laptops, smart speakers, and drones. We’ve rounded up items ranging from an electronic drawing pad to a distraction-free computer that might be just the thing to delight without going a little more mad than we already are under lockdown.  The sweet spot is finding a device that offers enough features to be worth your money but doesn’t distract from your life. A stripped down smart speaker might be just the thing.

Write Without Stopping

For those who want to combine a sort of digital monasticism with a penchant for high tech, there are a number of devices that allow you to take notes and process words without actually using what’s normally thought of as a computer.  Take, for example, the $399 reMarkable tablet, which has a 10.3-inch E Ink display and is designed purely for taking notes and reading documents. The hefty price might seem like an extravagance for such a single-minded device, but it could be well worth it for those who want to concentrate on what they are doing. In my hands on, I found the reMarkable to be a terrific device for scribbling down my thoughts and features in a sleek design.  Other E Ink-based tablets include the Boox Max Lumi which has a similar design to the reMarkable but is less focused on note taking. This model also has an illuminated display, which the reMarkable lacks. 

One Man’s Journey to Productivity

Andrew Higgins has been using the Freewrite word processor to write content for his vanity comparison site. He says it’s helped him tune out distractions and concentrate on his work since he started working from home during the pandemic.  “Before 2020, working in the office enforces great working habits,” he said in an email interview. “I’m not going to go on Facebook or check my website statistics every five minutes if my colleagues are around. You’re held accountable in person, which is why it’s so easy to slip at home.” “The second I realized I was getting a little less productive, I invested in the Freewrite word processor and started researching things like Microsoft’s distraction free modes,” he said. “I use an alarm on my phone, typically set in 45-minute sprints, and I force myself to stay heads down the whole time. It’s so much easier this way and keeps me accountable.” For those on your gift list who might benefit from a little less distraction in their lives, consider a minimalist device this year. If they don’t like it, save the receipt and they can always return it for a drone.