Facebook provides a search bar to find people, groups, posts, or just about anything else on Facebook. You can filter results down to the details most relevant to your search. The search bar is geared towards natural-language searches, so if you type what you are looking for in plain language, Facebook is likely to deliver the results you want. Here’s a Facebook search you might use to find posts by a certain friend or to see what the public is saying about a specific topic: Under Posts, you can also sort the results by Posts You’ve Seen, the Date Posted (year only), and posts from a specific Tagged Location. If you know that this person attends a specific college or where they work, enter that information in the Education or Work section. You can also filter Places by Open Now, Delivery, Takeout, Location, Status (open/closed/new hours), and Price. A similar way to perform this search is to type something like pizza into the search bar, and then turn on the Visited by Friends filter to show pizza places visited by your friends. You can also filter the events search results by Online Events, Location, Dates (today through next week), Categories, and Family Friendly.