Optimal Twitter Profile Picture Dimensions

Twitter changes its optimal profile picture dimensions from time to time, but one thing you can always count on is that a large image can always be cropped down to the small image format Twitter uses. So start large and use the following dimensions as guidelines for the many ways your profile image is displayed:

400 x 400 pixels: This is the size the social network recommends. If you upload an image smaller than this, Twitter won’t stretch it to make it bigger. It shows up at the smaller size. The only time you see the image at this size is when a web visitor clicks on your profile photo from your profile. Depending on your browser, it may open in a full-sized blank window, or it may pop up.73 x 73 pixels: This is the second largest size your Twitter profile photo is displayed at, and it appears on your profile page above your bio.48 x 48 pixels: Your profile photo is most commonly seen at this size. It shows up next to your tweets in people’s feeds.31 x 31 pixels: This is the smallest you see your profile photo and it’s only visible to you. This mini-version only shows up when you’re on your Home screen.

Tips for Optimizing Your Twitter Profile Photo

A good photo sets a good first impression. Here are some tips for optimizing your profile image.

Start with a Good Quality Photograph

You have to put something of quality into the equation in order to get quality out. So, make sure you’re starting with a high-quality image at least 400-by-400 pixels in size.

Optimize Images for the Web

If you don’t, Twitter does it for you by reducing the file size of your photo—decreasing its quality down to 72 pixels per inch, which is standard for web images.

Select a Photo That Stars You, Not Your Collar

After you selected a quality image, make sure it’s cropped to put your face right in the center because other objects can be distracting.

Optimize Your Header Image

Twitter’s header image is displayed directly in your profile. The social network recommends a size of 1500x1500. This image fades to black because your Twitter bio is placed on top of it. You can also upload a background image if you want.