Enable the Transaction Log

To enable logging in Outlook:

Troubleshoot Outlook Issues

After logging is enabled, reproduce the problem so that you can inspect the log. After you’ve encountered the same error, disable logging (from the Outlook Options dialog box), restart Outlook, then find the Outlook LOG file. To locate the LOG file:


The LOG file offers technical guidance about problems, but the output may not be easy to parse. Because a wide variety of problems may adversely affect Outlook, paste key terms from the error message into your favorite search engine to fine-tune your troubleshooting steps.

POP and SMTP: Open the OPMLog.log file if your account connects to a POP server or if you have trouble sending email.IMAP: Open the Outlook Logging folder and then the folder named after your IMAP account. From there, open imap0.log, imap1.log, or another file in the sequence.Hotmail: If a Hotmail email account signed on through Outlook, open the Outlook Logging folder, choose Hotmail, and then find http0.log, http1.log, or another file in the sequence.