Want to email Tim Cook an important message? Equipped with Cook’s public email address, you can do just that and know that somebody—maybe eventually Tim Cook himself if your message warrants it—will read your email and possibly reply.

Will My Email to Tim Cook Be Read?

Your email will be read. However, the first to see it will most likely be a person at Cook’s office and not Tim Cook himself. Here’s a story from Reddit:

Will I Get a Reply From Tim Cook?

You shouldn’t expect to get a reply from Cook himself. However, it isn’t unheard of. There are multiple stories of him responding to emails from customers every day. Important emails may be forwarded to him personally. Business Insider tells the story of Ben Gold, a blogger, who wrote a message to Cook that simply said, “Don’t be Steve Jobs. Be Tim Cook.” Three and a half hours later, Cook replied, “Don’t worry. It’s the only person I know how to be.”